Monday, May 23, 2011

Letting shit go

Letting shit go

Life has been teaching me a lot about surrendering and letting go of the things that we want and desire so much. Lots of times we can get so caught up in desiring a particular outcome that we try to control every detail that “should” make us arrive at that outcome. But the lesson here is not about control but more about letting go of that control, surrendering it rather to a force that is larger than ourselves. The point of the matter is, is that we CANNOT control the things that are out of our parameter of control. We cannot control the future and the way that others will treat or react to us, but we do have the power to affect those very things. All we can do is our best- and when you’ve done all that you can and you can’t do anymore that is when you surrender it. And give it up to the Almighty, the divine. And once you can do that, once you let go and offer up your faith, trust and belief in the greater force, that force will respond with your intended outcome. It is the way of life, it is forgiveness, and it is blessings.

Believe me, it’s easier said than done. It’s never easy to give up and let go of something you’ve wanted so much for so long and are so close to getting and can’t quite grasp. It is in fact the most difficult task in life I believe, the act of letting go. All that time and effort of wanting and desiring something and being so invested in attaining it that the thought of letting all that attachment go is more than difficult. But forcing the outcome was never in the plan, it’s not natural and cannot act accordingly. But once you Can let go of the fact that you have no control over the extraneous details of life and that the universe operates not by your control but by a power greater than yourself, everything will fall into place naturally as it should. Most times that intended outcome will naturally manifest itself as it always should have and was always intended to. It’s nature to do so, and we mustn’t mess with nature. In fact if we look deep into nature and really listen, you would arrive at the same lesson. There is nothing like the grandeur of the grand canyon, the power of the ocean waves crash, or the majesty of a sunset to really put your being in perspective in this world. Raw Nature has a way of making us feel small and minuscule in respect to things: and it is exactly the way we should feel. Because in reality we are small and minuscule in the scheme of things and we must never forget that the universe operates by a higher, greater power than our feeble minds are even capable of understanding.

And so be it. Tell yourself, I am surrendering it. Letting it go, bc I have no control over it. It was something i had been waiting, praying, and wanting for SO long, and tried so hard to make happen and make work, but it was just forced and there is really nothing left for me to do at this point than to surrender it. I gave it my all, and that’s all that I could do. So I’m letting it go. And I’m just going to be…. Naturally, and I know I will be blessed. If it was really intended for my life than I trust that it will come to pass in it’s own time, but if not then so be it. I will move on and i have faith that my life will go on in the direction that it was always intended to.

If u think about this process conceptually, you’d see that it works best psychologically as well because all that worry and wanting and unnecessary energy won’t have to be exerted. You’ll be free. You’ll be able to make room for better in your life by making space where once that worry slept. It’s a win-win situation. Letting go allows you to be free of the wants that were possessing your being. Things so desired that the mere unrequited love not met from that desire robs your being of merely being, if that makes sense. If it doesnt, read it again more slowly until it sinks. It robs you of being your authentic self and thus living authentically. It is only when we live authentically are we truly joyful and aligned with our purpose in the world. Living authentically allows us to merely be naturally and undoubtedly puts us on a path to our natural and intended outcome in life. Either way, if u live your life authentically, you will always be doing and living with integrity and self truth- and in turn will always do things wholeheartedly, passionately and at your best. When that happens, the blessings in your life will flow because you are now living with the flow of the universe and the flow of life. U will ultimately be on a path toward your purpose and your intention in the world without even trying, but by merely being because you will be living your truth. And when that occurs EVERYTHING else that you’ve ever really unconsciously wanted or desired for your life will come naturally to you and will fall into place because you are in line with the universes purpose for you and your life. Everything will seem to come so easily for you because you won’t even have to try, all you’ll have to do is just be.

Awww…. And there really is no greater joy in the world than simply being yourself.

So how did I arrive at this deep philosophical understanding, one might ask? Well, a combination of predetermined existential tendencies, a deeply culturally rooted upbringing, a psychology degree, millions of hours of Oprah, tons of reading and a whole lot of living and learning the hard way.

And then there is my connection to nature. Raised in a culture, education and lifestyle that fostered the human-nature connection, I have always been slightly more attuned to nature than your average iPhone owner. Simply, I listen to it, was raised to do it, so I give it an opportunity to speak in my life.

A couple days ago that happened. It seems to be the case that my closest friends and I psychicly travel through life and it’s lessons at the same time, perfect for us to lean and support one another I guess, either way I refuse to believe it a Coincidence. Anyhow, for a couple weeks a couple friends of mine had all been struggling with different issues in their life ranging in depth and importance, yet at the core of every issue was the common denominator that was the lesson of letting go. We talked and talked and talked, over analyzed and talked some more about our problems, like most women do. We ruminated in the details of each individual situation until we got tired of hearing each other bitch, to which point we all laughed and told ourselves to SHUT UP and let it go!

Then we talked about letting go over and over again and still couldn’t quite grasp the actual physical and emotional act. It was still merely a theory and a philosophical idea to our consciousness.

And just when you need it, just when you ask, is precisely when you receive what you need. A couple days into it and ago, I was swimming on the shore with a little girl. In my pursuit to amuse the both of us I sent us on a quest to find shells, knowing full well that the beach in which we were swimming was all but shell less. As we were playing in the surf I caught a glimpse of the most amazing black and white stripped, thin pointed shell. I had never seen a Shell quite like it in all my beach going life and gasped when I spotted it. “What is it?” asked the Little girl. “A shell! The most beautiful shell I’ve ever seen. Oh my gosh. I want to have it.” Just as I jumped up to grab it in the sand a wave came and swished sand over it covering my view. When the sand cleared I was in a frenzy trying to find where my newest object of desire had gone. I seen a glipse of it in the sand and again hurdled toward it. In my attempt to attack it I had stomped a large sand cloud over my view again and it was lost. At that moment I was defeated because I knew that I had lost it to the big ocean floor with that stomp. Thinking about how ridiculous it would be for me to pursue my attempt at finding a shell the size of a baby’s pinky finger despite it’s rare beauty had sunk in. I was a little irritated with myself too, I couldn’t understand why I’d stomp like that. I mean, I knew the sand would do that, but I was in such a frenzy to possess that shell that I wasn’t thinking and acting straight. I took a big deep breath and said, “aww… I lost it. …… Oh well.” and continued on swimming and playing with the little girl in the surf. It was after all a ridiculous attempt and I was over it. I tried and it was obvious that it just was not going to work out for me. About 10 minutes and a few sand ball fights later, the same little girl and I were back in the water. As I pushed myself up of the bottom of the ocean floor something poked me in my left hand. “Ahhh!!!” I shrieked melodramatically. “what?” the little girl jolted? It was obvious I had frightened her. “something just stabbed me in my hand and it really hurt.” “what was it?” she asked. “well… I don’t know.” as I stuck my hand back into the sand where it had been stabbed only moments earlier to give this inquisitive little girl an answer I pulled out the sharp object without even turning my head to look for it and had already had the word “thorn” at the tip of my tongue ready to be blurted out. But as I pulled out the supposed “thorn” and placed it in front of my face, there it was! The beautiful sharp black and white shell that I had been in search of 10 minutes and a whole lot of sand clouds earlier. There it was in my hand, coming back to me. I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by it’s rare and spectacular shape and color, and the way that it had come to be in my hand at that moment. It was crazy. I had seen it in my reach, wanted it so badly, tried painstakingly to get it, got pretty close, but couldn’t quite grasp it. And in my failure to get it I just let it go and went on with my day without a worry. And just as I had forgotten all about it, there it was- poking me in my hand, as if it were a magnet being pulled directly into my possession. It was crazy, and another thing I refuse to pass off as a coincidence.

And it HIT me.

I mean really HIT me. Aha! I thought. I get it. I finally get it.

That’s it! That’s what letting go is. That’s what letting go feels like. That’s what it’s like to want something so badly that the mere thought of possessing it makes you think and act out of character and end up blowing it trying to force it. And that’s what happens when you can really let go. It finds it’s way back to you, naturally. If it was intended for you to have it, you will… Naturally. The right way. And that’s the way of the universe. If we can align ourselves with our authentic purpose in life, listen to nature, and surrender our deepest toils, the things and outcomes that we want can and will find it’s way into your life… Naturally. Because like that shell those very things are alive (turns out the shell had a living sea urchin living in it).

It gives a whole lot more meaning and value to being yourself, at all times. Not pretending, not forcing, not trying even… Just being, simply. Because what im learning is that when you can do that habitually, you can have everything youve ever dreamed for in your life, without effort. You can live your best life and not have to try.

Because if you’re trying, you’re not being. I know- too good to be true huh? Dont try?! Not advice one hears often in this lifetime but believe you me it is freeing.

So that’s where I’m at. Back to myself, my authentic self, the one that was there long before life experience and pains and tribulations affected my personhood. That childlike authenticity… Thats where I’m at. Arriving at my truth.

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